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About Us

My name is Platt Winetrout. I was raised in a small town in southern Oregon,
population of just over 3,000.  My high school graduating class was just over one
hundred and half of those people I had known since elementary school.   It is a place
where half the town shows up for the Friday night high school football game.  People
are modest and a man’s true value is his word.

I left that small town when I enlisted in the Marine Corps.  After four years I was
Honorably Discharged and I used my GI Bill to pay for College.  It helped pay for an
A.A. from Highline Community College and a B.A. from the University of Washington
(Down Town Tacoma Branch).  

While going to school at the University of Washington I found work at a local recycling
paper mill.  While working at the mill every now and then different agencies would
come on our facility to destroy paper documents.  Then one day it just came to me, I
should form a company and provide this service to the public.  A short time later, I sat
down with management and we drew up a contract and the company F.C. Document
Destruction LLC was born.

Now that you have gotten to see a small of part me, I hope you believe me when I say
“Customer satisfaction is first."

My name is Platt Winetrout, my family and I live in Tacoma, I own F.C. Document
Destruction LLC and I look forward to serving you in your document destruction needs.
Licensed and Insured
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